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Class Schedule


RitmoKá Dance (Online & In-Person at Shawl Anderson Dance Center in Berkeley, CA)


RitmoKá Barre (Online)


RitmoKá Barre (Online)


RitmoKá Barre (Online)
RitmoKá Dance  (Online)
In-Person Dance at Shawl Anderson Dance Center
* Class schedule is subject to change due to major holidays and observances.

Class Descriptions

RitmoKá Dance I:

Class combines a variety of routines ranging from Salsa, Latin Pop, Samba, Merengue, Reggaeton, Flamenco, Jazz to name a few. Dances have a continued flow and are fast paced. All levels are welcome.

RitmoKá Barre:

This class combines the fundamentals of Ballet, Pilates and functional training. Through mindful movement, class focuses on specific muscle groups to work on balance, posture, alignment, core strength, flexibility and overall body conditioning. Class is designed to be independent of a Ballet barre, however, we incorporate other tools such as resistance bands, gliding discs, free weights and Bender ball. Class is open to all levels and students will be given options to modify exercises based on their unique needs.

Benefits include

  • Improved posture, flexibility, overall body strength, and balance
  • Increased body awareness that you may not have had before
  • Transform your body and feel more confident in your fitness
Dance experience is not required in order to take this class, because you will learn the intent of progression with a safer approach. Those with a dance background will find familiarity with the vocabulary used in class from the principles of ballet and/or Pilates. When you take a RitmoKá Barre class, you'll always feel challenged, yet consciously aware of what is right for your body. This class will teach you to find the strength of a dancer within you, and to transform your body. You don't need a barre at home, just a yoga mat, a small towel. Optional equipment include a Bender ball, Gliding Discs, dumbbells, resistance/loop bands. I will provide alternative ways to exercise with or without equipment.

Special Classes and Workshops Coming Up:

RitmoKá Dance II:

Class will incorporate more complex choreography utilizing jazz and contemporary styles. If you crave choreography, you will enjoy this class. Those looking for cardio will still get a workout given the fast pace of the class. We will dedicate a few weeks to work on the same piece but choreography will be broken down in each class.

RitmoKá Salsatón:

Class will include short Salsa, Timba and Reggaeton inspired routines that will be combined into a longer choreography. Be ready to work on your footwork and get a great cardio workout!


Class will combine 30 minutes of Salsa routines and 30 minutes of Samba. Be ready to work on your footwork and get a great cardio workout!

RK-90 Dance

Get ready for 90 minutes of FUN! Created for those who can’t stop dancing after 60 minutes. This is an extended version class including a variety of routines ranging from Salsa, Latin Pop, Samba, Merengue, Reggaeton, Flamenco, Jazz to name a few. Dances have a continued flow and are fast paced. All levels are welcome.

Intro to Barre

Quarterly workshop that teaches the foundation of a barre class. This workshop is recommended to all beginner students, those new to Barre or in need of a refresher.